Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wycliffe Well

Last Wednesday at Wycliffe Well we went on an old train.
It went halfway around Lake Wycliffe.
On the way back I got to go in the locomotive for a ride.
We went and saw the aliens.
Then we went for a walk at Devil’s Marbles.
In the morning we saw some emus, rabbits, birds, donkey, cows and bulls.

1 comment:

  1. Yipee! Sounds like you are all having an awesome time. It is rain rain rain here with lots of sunshine in between. I love the pictures you have put up. I've had to use a mobile internet thingy since blogspot is banned on the department system - we love NETSPACE :{
    Keep up your posts. They are great fun to read.

    Leigh and crew.
